PH+ revisited: 'Cold Truths' about heating and energy in Britain, with Kate de Selincourt

Today, we have a new show on the feed. Long-time friend and contributor to the Zero Ambitions Universe, Lloyd Alter is taking the reins to look back at some of the fine work that Jeff has commissioned over the years, with a mind to making it more accessible to a wider audience.

So, in parallel with the main show, Lloyd will be curating a tour through some of the best of Passive House Plus, interviewing the work's authors, and looking at the subject matter from a transatlantic perspective.

This week we are joined by journalist Kate de Selincourt to talk about her 'Cold Truths' two-part feature, published back in January of this year. It might seem out of place to be discussing it in July, but these issues shouldn't just be seasonal because if we're only talking about them in winter it's already too late to act.

Kate's links

Lloyd's other links

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


Zero Ambitions 2024