Getting real about energy research and making heat pumps chic, with Mike Fell (UCL; pump:chic)

This week we're joined by Mike Fell, energy researcher at UCL, amongst many other things.

We've been following Mike's work for a while, (mainly because the pump:chic work is really interesting to us) and when we clocked he's co-authored this paper about realist approaches in energy research we saw an opportunity to bring him onto the podcast.

Realist approaches ask not just ‘what works?’, but ‘for whom does it work, under what circumstances, and why?', all good subjects for enquiry in any project.

It's much less academic than it might sound. We think it's a really valuable way of approaching research so we wanted to talk with Mike about how he's been using the approach and give us a chance to promote it all to our listeners.

We also want folk to check out all the other interesting things he's up to as well. Check the links below.

Notes from the show

Retrofit Reimagined
If you're nearby Glasgow on 11 November, go!

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


Zero Ambitions 2024