How to normalise low-energy heating without radiators: an overnight success story that's fifteen years in the making, with Ethan Wadsworth (ThermaSkirt)

Happy new year! This week's episode brings you a conversation with Ethan Wadsworth of DiscreteHeat the manufacturers of our new favourite energy efficient (non-radiator and non underfloor) based heating system ThermaSkirt

We're not there to bang on about a product we like, what we found interesting about this one is that it’s an overnight, award-winning success that took fifteen years to bring to fruition.

This means that our conversation is mainly about what’s changed in the heating and building space to enable the growing demand for ThermaSkirt, and what that can tell us about the broader market for products related to sustainability and decarbonisation. Ethan had a lot to say about why the product is relevant now, not just what it does and how it works.

There's a lot that folk in the decarbonisation sector could learn from these guys because they’ve really considered the customer experience of both the end consumer, the distributor, and the installer. This is proper business strategy using analysis of all user journeys and experiences, so we love it. 

We also talk about heating design for a bit too.

Notes from the show

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


Zero Ambitions 2024