A view from COP28, and relearning how to be an architect for after the Oil Age, with Kelly Alvarez Doran (Half Climate Design; Architecture 2030 Senior Fellow)

With us this week is new friend, Kelly Alvarez Doran, via an introduction from Lloyd to talk about his experiences at COP28 and his carbon reduction consultancy Ha/f Climate Design that's challenged itself to reduce Canadian construction's emissions by half.

We get sidetracked almost immediately while we talk about Kelly's background as an architect, working in mining, and the big changes to philosophy on building after working in Rwanda. 

In spite of the early diversion, we spent the whole conversation consistently hitting the same key themes themes:
  • Embodied carbon and life cycle analysis 
  • Designing for the end of Oil-Age architecture
  • Rethinking the role of building design in the age of embodied carbon 
Kelly's great. He'll be back. Hopefully without any sound issues next time (it gets better after a bit).

Also, XPS = Extruded polystyrene insulation.

Notes from the show

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


Zero Ambitions 2024