Natural materials, healthier homes, and the culture of sustainable building, with Will Kirkman (Ecomerchant)
We enjoyed the company of Ecomerchant’s Will Kirkman a business that's specialised in sustainable and natural building materials for the building trade and consumers.
We mainly rambled our way around the culture of building in the UK, how embodied carbon has always been on the Ecomerchant agenda and the impact that sustainable and natural building materials have on the buildings they make and the people who occupy them.
Notes from the show
- Will on LinkedIn
- The Ecomerchant website
- The We Build Eco website
- Stewart Lee's taxi driver argument
- UBS white paper: Rethink, rebuild, reimagine (on laying the foundation for better buildings)
- UBS report: Retrofit revolution
- UBS report: Under one roof (opportunities for public and private stakeholders to decarbonize the global building sector)
- UBS report: Building society (looking at the social opportunity of retrofitting and the relationship between retrofitting and area regeneration)
We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.
- Follow us on the Zero Ambitions LinkedIn page
- Jeff, Alex, and Dan about websites, branding, and communications -; Everything is User Experience
- Subscribe and advertise with Passive House Plus (UK edition here too)
- Check Lloyd's Substack: Carbon Upfront
- Join ACAN
- Join the AECB
- Join the IGBC
- Check out Her Own Space, the renovation and retrofit platform for women (but not in a patronizing way)