Retrofit: "We need to tackle low hanging fruit first", so what does that mean? With Fionn Stevenson

We were blessed to enjoy a great conversation about retrofit and what we should consider our priorities, with the vastly experienced retrofit firebrand Fionn Stevenson.

It was a challenging, surprising, and free-wheeling conversation spurred by a call to action she made on LinkedIn some time ago, in which she decried fabric-first approaches and declared: "We need to tackle low hanging fruit first".

That post we're referring to:
"This is why " fabric first" as a blanket approach to retrofit is not always the best solution. Some properties will do better with cheaper renewable energy heating options without the expensive faff of additional external wall insulation, lack of construction skills and building physics understanding - which is massive in the industry. Just massive. We need to tackle low-hanging fruit first."

Now, we don't expect you to agree with everything she has to say, but you're only doing yourself a disservice if you don't listen.

Notes from the show

We don't actually earn anything from this, and it's quite a lot of work, so we have to promote the day jobs.


Zero Ambitions 2024